Isenberg Reacts: WWE Smackdown “Divas Get Deserved Time”

Comparing Reigns and Rusev

wwe smackdownThese two young stars are NOTHING alike right now and WWE should be pleased with that. WWE has an old school heel in Rusev, a guy that simply could care less if he is cheered. These days, it is cool to cheer the bad guy. His skill set is not “awe-inspiring.” He is a very solid worker, one who focuses on the power game and sprinkles in a little athleticism. He has more than a few moves, but not a ton where he needs to bring out on a weekly basis.

Roman Reigns has “the look” of a babyface, a guy who gets over with the women and guys can look at him like a superhero. He is a guy that can easily be cheered. He is a guy who uses what he knows to make himself good. He is growing and has been consistently getting better. Just because he is not in the main event of SummerSlam does not necessarily mean he is taking progressive steps backwards. It is a process. He wants to be liked, cheered and applauded for his efforts.

Both of these men have a bright future. But, both men will be traveling down different paths for the foreseeable future. Which path is the best one? It all depends on what your definition of best is.

WZZ 6.5

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. WWE Smackdown Rating:

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