Isenberg Reacts: WWE Raw “How Could WWE Justify Cena vs. Rollins At SummerSlam?”

Paige vs. Sasha Banks/Becky Wins

wwe rawPaige and Banks lock in and Banks throws her into the corner. All three Divas head to the outside and the battle line is drawn. Paige hits a knee and kicks out at 1. Paige whips her down and then throws her into the corner. She connects with more elbows.

Banks applies an armdrag and then whips her down. Both Divas try a dropkick and they stand off again. Some head butts and a body slam, as Paige is in control. She hits a Fallaway Slam and gets another two count. Paige revereses Banks and kicks her in the stomach. Paige goes up top and hits a crossbody to take out Team BAD.

Sasha is in control when we come back to break, applying a headlock and then drops Paige on her face. She locks in a crossface and then Sasha gets to the bottom rope. Sasha hits a neckbreaker and then applies the Bank Statement. Paige taps out and Banks picks up the win. 

Excellent technical and physical match. As much as I love Paige, she needed to take a back seat to Banks tonight. Like I said earlier, it is going to be hard to NOT have every Diva at a .500 winning percentage. Nonetheless, I am taking it for what it was. 20 minutes of solid wrestling and great storytelling. 

As for Becky Lynch, she picks up a win in a tag team match with Charlotte against Alicia and Brie Bella. Once again, another really consistent bout with an emphasis on the younger Divas. Expect the Bellas to get some retribution on Smackdown. I feel like that will be the path for quite some time. As it should be.

WZ 7.5

Rusev Gives Summer Rae Gifts

Rusev says he is going to show American men how to treat a special woman. He gives Summer Rae a puppy, to which she screams for. He calls him Dog Ziggler. The second gift she opens is a fish and calls it Lana. Lana walks out and says it she can see right through you. Lana says he kisses her while looking at Lana and calls him pitiful. She calls her a wannabee and pathetic. 

Summer Rae says he knows what it is like to be cuddled up with her over a fish. Lana kicks Summer and then rips her hair. She rubs her face in the dead fish and Summer screams. Lana slaps Rusev and walks out of the ring with Rusev and Summer in fits. 

It was not a bad segment and helped continue the progression of Summer Rae and Rusev, while Lana gets a little more intense. She is finally growing a pair…. if that makes sense. I just want Ziggler to come back and make this feud get to the boiling point. It still feels forced to me. 

WZ 5.5

Bring Him Home, Bray…


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