Isenberg Reacts: WWE Battleground “Deadman Rises, Owens Thrives”

Divas Triple Threat Match

wwe battleground

Sasha gets rolled up, but Charlotte and Brie target Sasha. Charlotte locks in and throws Brie to the outside. Sasha and Charlotte get into the mix and then Banks whips her into the corner. Charlotte gets tossed to the outside and Brie takes Sasha down and throws her head to the mat. Banks whips Charlotte into Brie and hangs both women in the ropes. She knees both of them like cord wood and gets a two count. Banks kicks Charlotte and then Brie, controlling the match entirely. Banks knees her in the corner a few times and Bri breaks up the count. Charlotte hits a double clothesline and then slaps away at both women. She hits a neckbreaker and then drops Banks with one as well. 

She drops her with a boot and then gets a two count. Brie gets some offense in, clotheslining and hitting a running knee. She pulls the Daniel Bryan kicks out. Charlotte spears Brie and Banks hits a spinning neckbreaker. Brie hits a missile dropkick onto both women. All the Divas surround Team Bella. Banks dropkicks Brie into her team and hits a Suicide Dive. Charlotte hits a cross body and all of the women are down. A big forearm from Charlotte, but Banks locks in her submission hold. Brie breaks it up and Banks is sent to the outside. Charlotte blocks a powerbomb and locks in the Figure Eight for the win. 

Charlotte picks up a win on her first night. She will become the future of this division, even though Sasha, Paige and Becky are going to be great additions as well. It was a well planned out match, that gave every Diva a chance to shine. Man, Brie Bella is not a bad wrestler but she was booed for every move she hit. The new Divas are here and the older Divas will be in trouble. They MUST win the crowd over even more now. 

WZZ 6.5


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