Isenberg Reacts: WWE Smackdown “Consistency is Key on Thursday Nights”

Seth Rollins vs. Roman Reigns

wwe smackdownThe main event featured Rollins and Reigns. It was unclear all night if Roman Reigns would be there, but the former muscle of the Shield comes out and gets his match going. Rollins controls early, with kicks to the leg and then is able to hit a powerbomb into the corner.

Reigns fires back and gets going, hitting some explosive clotheslines and then tries to set up a Superman Punch. J and J get involved, causing a DQ. Dean Ambrose comes out and tries to save his friend.

Dean Ambrose ends up getting Pedigreed and The Authority stands tall again.

This makes perfect sense. Although I wanted a longer match, Roman Reigns sells his injuries and The Authority takes out another fan favorite. They go from Brock to Roman to Dean. They continue to showcase their dominance, even though I hate the men involved with Seth. There is much more consistency, but I do think Monday night is the night where Brock needs unleashed.

WZZ 6.5

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. WWE Smackdown Rating:

WZ 6


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