Isenberg Reacts: WWE Raw “A Night of Apologies”

Seth Rollins Apologizes To The Authority

The WWE World Heavyweight Champion apologizes to Noble, Mercury and Kane. He talks about how he was wrong to call them names and really wants them to be back together. He also says that this has nothing to do with Brock Lesnar returning. He says what else can he do and pleads with them more.

He asks to be taken back and the crowd does not want them to. Out comes Brock Lesnar. He paces around the ring, stalking Rollins, J and J Security and Kane. The Authority heads out of the ring and leaves Seth Rollins high and dry. Kane comes from behind and J and J come back too. Lesnar unloads on them all.  He focuses back onto Seth Rollins and gets into the ring. Rollins punches Brock and Lesnar hits a German Suplex. He hits another one, followed by a third. Kane hits a chokeslam to Brock Lesnar. He sets him up, but Lesnar reverses it into a German Suplex. Kane chops Brock by the knee, but the beast will not go down. Seth Rollins chops his knee and they double team him. Rollins grabs his knee and slams it into the ring post. Kane uses a chair and smashes Brock’s leg with it. They continue to beat him down until Rollins hits a Pedigree.

This was exactly what was needed. I am okay with Seth getting help from Kane because Brock is a rare breed. It made Rollins look so weak when he needed all this help with guys like Ambrose, but this was exactly what was needed tonight. A little bit of action from both guys and Seth Rollins getting so much needed offense in. I would have booked a little offense from Rollins, but him escaping with Brock Lesnar attacking The Authority. Make The Authority pay for helping Rollins. That would give us more of a question mark to if Seth will get help at WWE Battleground. Either way, effective ending.

WZ 7

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. WWE Raw Rating:

WZ 7




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