A British Point of View: It’s Bad to be the King

Wade Barrett has all the tools to become someone special in the business. He has natural size and is in great shape, he is good on the microphone and you never get a poor match out of him. For far too long he seems to be wrestling the same people in the mid-card and every time he does a gimmick, such as the ‘Bad News’ character, people end up getting behind him. WWE want Barrett as a heel and immediately remove the element that the crowd likes. Barrett will probably get over with the King gimmick at some point (although this could be his toughest challenge to date) and it wouldn’t surprise me that WWE then chooses to go in another direction with him.

England has someone in Wade Barrett who legitimately could and should at some point be WWE Champion. Everyone expects it’ll happen at some point, but for how long can they keep changing and punishing his different characters on television? Some people will argue that wins and losses don’t have the same meaning in today’s industry and to a certain extent, I believe they are right. However, when you are being eliminated from one of WWE’s most ‘extreme’ matches by R Truth then you know that something is wrong.

WWE had a perfect opportunity to do something different when Barrett and Wayne Rooney started a verbal scrap on Twitter but they never mentioned it on TV. Correction, JBL probably mentioned it because he likes to make reference to sports outside the USA to try and improve his popularity.

I worryingly predict that the reason this was never mentioned was because they felt that nobody knows who Wayne Rooney is. Unfortunately, Wayne Rooney is probably known in every country apart from America. Plus the fact that he’s a legitimate star from WWE’s second biggest market isn’t important; but hey, we all know who Kathie Lee & Hoda are right?

Anyway back to point. Wade Barrett is now the 20th King of the Ring winner and I don’t even hear that being mentioned. I hope that WWE don’t miss the boat with Barrett because he has been on WWE TV since 2010 and he is now 34 years of age. If Wade is to be a main event talent and someone who will remain in that scene for some time then they need to pull the trigger before long.

Maybe my hopes and dreams of a WrestleMania in the UK will be his opportunity? Maybe I’m dreaming far too much? Maybe I put too much faith into a man who hates my football team? Or maybe I’m being blindly patriotic? Either way, I don’t think I’m on my own when I want to see Wade Barrett succeed.

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