Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “Jesse Godderz Steals The Show”

impact wrestlingImpact starts with a video package from last week, focusing on Ethan Carter and Kurt Angle. Josh Mathews is on commentary with The Pope. Out comes EC3 and Tyrus, followed by Kurt Angle. EC3 talks about the first time he has been preparing for this moment, calling Kurt Angle the greatest wrestler that has ever lived. He runs down the list of men that Angle beat, using their catchphrases. He says they all have something in common, which is they have been beating. EC3 says he has not and says he is Kurt’s end of days. EC3 says the torch gets passed to him.

Angle says he has been here before and talks about the big fights. He says the big fights were made for him. He calls him talented, but a spoiled brat. Angle says he is still the greatest wrestler alive. He says Carter will have to look at himself in the mirror after he loses and it will haunt him for the rest of his life. Kurt Angle picks Lashley as Ethan Carter III’s opponent.

This was a solid start to what should be an intriguing show. Angle and Carter feels important because of Carter never losing and already beating Angle a year ago. You can tell that, characteristic wise, Carter is ready for the spotlight. Him spitting out monikers and catchphrases from guys that Angle has beaten was great. He has this natural cockiness and his facial expressions are always on point. 

WZ 7.5

Bobby Roode vs. Eddie Edwards

Both men exchange blows to the stomach and Roode powers over the wolf. Eddie sends him to the outside and hits a Suicide Dive. He slaps him across the chest and throws him into the apron. Eddie continues the assault with a diving kick to Roode. Roode gets his feet up and knocks Edwards down. Roode continues to stomp and knee Eddie on the mat. Snapmare take down and a quick two count. Eddie hits some chops, but takes an elbow to the face. Edwards connects with a spin kick and both men get to their feet. Roode reverses it and Eddie counters. Another shot to the face and Edwards connects with a stunner from the top rope.

Roode kicks out at two once again, hitting a Spinebuster for two. Roode spits in his face and Aries comes out with a chair. Roode misses a chair and Edwards rolls him up for the win. Davey Richards says the next match will be Full Metal Mayhem.

Roode and Edwards work a smooth and effective match. The story was told simply and efficiently. It seemed like there was no wasted time between move transitions and I really enjoyed seeing Roode take control offensively. The ending was really good, teasing that Aries was not there and the team trying to live up to their name. Full Metal Mayhem should be an instant classic between two of the most talented teams in professional wrestling.

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