Isenberg Reacts: WWE Raw: Seth Rollins Owned The Night”

Roman Reigns and Bray Wyatt

wwe rawThis seems to be extremely repetitive, finding flaws in feuds that feature two younger guys that need to produce wins and continue to be booked strong. Wyatt and Ambrose had this problem at the end of 2014.

Who needs it? You have Roman Reigns come so close time and time again to becoming world champion. 

Bray Wyatt is 0-2 at WrestleMania, but has faced two legends in the industry. After Mania, it seems as if he falls off to meaningless feuds. 

BOTH need to win. There lies the problem. I want this to be good and the storyline could be great. I absolutely loved when Wyatt sang “I’m a little teapot” and held the picture of Reigns and his daughter. Chilling. It was personal. But, why? What is the reason? Bray needs to have facts behind why he is doing. It can be really good, but the end game will tell you all you need to know about how WWE views both of these competitors.

WZ 7

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. WWE Raw Rating:

WZZ 6.5


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