TNA World Heavyweight Championship
Eric Young starts off hot with some clothesline and suplexes, but Angle fights back with some left and rights. The BDC comes on the stage and we head to a break.
Young is in full control upon return, locking in a sleeper hold. Angle is able to fight off of it and break free. He hits a suplex and then Young reverses an Angle Slam. Angle locks in the Ankle Lock and Young drags himself to the rope. Young kicks Angle to the outside and Bully Ray gets kicked low by Young. BDC attacks Kurt Angle on the outside. Chris Melendez comes out and he gets attacked by the BDC. The Rising come out and a brawl ensues. Ray and Young are in the middle of the ring and Young tries to Piledrive Bully Ray, but he counters. Angle hits an Angle Slam and Young kicks out at two.
Eric Young counters and hits a Piledriver and gets a close count. Angle rolls through a cross body and applies the Ankle Lock to pick up the victory.
Although there was a lot of outside interference, the match was really good. Eric Young continues to be the best heel in the company by providing great matches and compelling promos. The guy has a natural instinct on how to get people to hate him. Bully Ray was a nice touch to the night, but will he be around longer? Kurt continues his reign and one guy should be next…..EC3.
@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Impact Wrestling Rating: