Isenberg Reacts: WWE Extreme Rules “Why is Kane the Focal Point?”

Seth Rollins Retains The WWE World Heavyweight Championship

The main event featured Seth Rollins vs. Randy Orton, a battle of two studs in the WWE. I really enjoy this pairing. If you want to figure out if a guy has what it takes, pair him against Orton. 

Via WZ Live Coverage:

Randy Orton suplexes Rollins and calls for a hangman’s DDT, but Rollins backdrops him and and climbs the other side. Orton connects with a DDT and calls for a RKO, but ends up hitting a Pedigree for two! Orton calls for a punt kick but Rollins sidesteps and hits an enziguiri, then he calls for Kane to open the cage door. Rollins starts towards the door but Orton catches him with a backbreaker, then Orton goes for the door but Kane closes the door!

Rollins dives towards Orton and ends up knocking Kane back, then Orton chokes Rollins and Kane slams the door on them both! Kane loses it and gets in the ring, but Mercury and Noble back him off… only to have him chokeslam them both! Kane targets Rollins for a chokeslam, but turns and ends up chokeslamming Orton… then chokeslams Rollins too! Kane drapes Rollins over Orton, but Orton kicks out, so Kane goes after Orton but Orton RKOs him, then Rollins pops up and RKO’s Orton and crawls out of the cage.

The match was really good and had some nice spots, including a Pedigree from Orton to Rollins and a few more nice spots. It was too congested with talent. There was no need for J and J Security to interfere. Kane did too much for too long. Kane hit a chokeslam onto both men and then tried to get Seth Rollins to win. Logical, yes, but not needed. Why is Kane the focal point of this feud right now? The main focus has to be on SETH FREAKING ROLLINS. I loved how he hit the RKO to pick up the win, even though most of the match will be forgotten because of all the b.s. during it. 

There comes a time when Seth Rollins needs to look strong on his own. Yes, he is a heel. He can cheat to win. That makes sense, but that is not all that can happen with him on a weekly basis. Expect Kane to be added to a championship match at Payback. I hope not, but I can see it happening.

WZ 6

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. WWE Extreme Rules Rating:

WZ 6


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