Isenberg Reacts: WrestleMania 31 “One of the Greatest Ever”

New WWE World Heavyweight Champion

wrestlemania 31Brock Lesnar was OVER. Roman Reigns got booed out of the building. The match was excellent. Suplex City was introduced to the WWE Universe. Brock completely dominated Roman Reigns with multiple suplexes and shots to his body. It was very similar to what he did to John Cena. Roman Reigns would finally get some shots in, specifically cutting open Brock Lesnar by throwing his head into the ring post. Roman Reigns tried to slay the beast, hitting a few superman punches. Roman would get hit with a few F-5’s and still battle out and kick out.  Brock tries to suplex him but Reigns punches him and hits another Superman punch. Reigns connects with another spear but Brock kicks out, then Reigns calls for another spear but Brock catches him in the air and hits a F-5. Seth Rollins music hits and he is cashing in.

Rollins hits a Curb Stomp onto Brock Lesnar. He tries for another, but Lesnar catches him in mid air for an F-5. Roman Reigns gets into the ring and spears the champion, sending him to the outside. Seth hits Curb Stomp and wins the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. 

How can ANYONE dislike this finish? For the first time ever, the Money in the Bank briefcase was cashed in on the biggest stage by WWE’s best overall (full-time) performer. Seth Rollins comes out and cashes in after an excellent, physical bout between Reigns and Lesnar. It was booked perfectly. Brock Lesnar needed to dominate. He did. Roman Reigns needed to show resilience, which we did. He busted open the champion and really battled through what the Beast Incarnate could do.

Seth Rollins came in, hit some splash moves, and captured the gold. Lesnar does not get pinned. Seth Rollins becomes a MEGA STAR. Roman Reigns can continue to develop and maintain his stay at the top. This was just a spectacular ending to an incredible night. WWE simply entertained and that is what every fan wants. 

Brock can become the best face in the company. Every fan loves real in a “predetermined sport.” Seth’s championship victory goes down in history.

WZ 10

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. WrestleMania 31 Rating:

WZ 9


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