Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “Angle Versus Lashley Equals $$$”

Drew Galloway defeated Kenny King

impact wrestlingGalloway cuts a great promo on the BDC, saying he is in TNA to speak for everyone who doesn’t get what they want. He says he is here to stand up for wrestling. A match ensues, where Galloway slaps him in the chest a few times. He throws King to the outside and into the barricade. King fights back with some punches and then rips his face. King continues more offense with some submission holds and then stares in the camera while slapping him around. Galloway fights back and King hits a Pele kick. King springboards off the ropes with a reverse neckbreaker for two. Galloway finally gets to his feet, reverses King and hits the Future Shock for the win.

Drew Galloway kicks off Impact on a great note. He explains why he is here and cuts a great promo to connect with the crowd. He has a great look and has always been one of my favorite guys in wrestling. I hope he can hit his potential here and really take this opportunity, reaching a new level. Kenny King, albeit in a major storyline, should be doing more wrestling and less talking. He is not bad, but spotlight more of his athletic ability on a weekly basis.

WZ 7.5

Bram vs. Matt Hardy

Both men get a few shots in and the action goes back and forth until Hardy clotheslines him to the outside. Bram gets back with some uppercuts and then a spinning heel kick. Headlock on Hardy, Bram slams him to the mat once again. Matt reverses and hits an elbow to the back of the neck, followed with an elbow drop. A Side Effect gets a two count and Matt punches away. Matt heads up top and hits a Moonsault for another two count. Bram uses the ref to hit a low blow without him seeing and hits his finisher onto Matt for the win.

Bram has the look. He has an aggressive offense set, but I am not sure what they plan on doing with him. This was until Magnus comes out, attacking Bram. Matt continues to work at a high and effective rate. TNA must capitalize on Magnus vs. Bram, but make it bigger than before. Magnus is a good competitor and this could help him resurrect his main event status. Who will come out on top? Both men could use it.

WZZ 6.5


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