My Favorite Gifts in Professional Wrestling: Looking Back on 2014

 3.  Impact Wrestling

 josh isenberg

WHAT? Many people might be yelling this at me because they love to bash a product that tends to underachieve, even with the incredible depth of talent on the roster. I was thankful to be able to watch some of the best tag team wrestling over the past 20 years. Impact Wrestling featured their strongest pieces, including a fresh and rested Matt Hardy (who is in the best wrestling shape of his career), Bully Ray (who was one of the best characters in all of 2014), and The Wolves. The Wolves got much needed exposure from 2 of the best tag teams EVER.

This series of matches really helped me invest more time and research into a product I would normally give minimal effort. Also, Matt Hardy hit a Twist of Fate onto Justin LaBar. Every fan boy should be happy and thank Mattitude adjusting the attitude of Mr. LaBar. It was so sweet and got a rise out of me.


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