Isenberg Reacts: WWE Raw “Dolph Ziggler Makes You Forget About CM Punk”

Jey Uso Loses To The Miz

wwe rawThe Miz hits Jey in the face with a big boot and then rakes at his face. Jey ducks and hits a Samoan Drop. He gets caught and rolls out of a Skull Crushing Finale. After three more reversals, both men exchange two counts. The Miz grabs his tights and picks up the win.

Another Damien Mizdow sighting and he continues to get a huge pop from the crowd. A crap segment means something because of Mizdow. When will he get that BIG push away from Miz? Can he get that anytime soon, or is this just too good to drop right now? I wish Miz, at the least, has a championship to lose. It is extremely overdue for Damien Mizdow to get a championship. (A singles one, that is)

WZ 4.5


Grading Bray Wyatt vs. Dean Ambrose Feud

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Bray Wyatt and Dean Ambrose were involved in a gimmick match tonight. A Miracle of 34th Street Fight. There were ladders used and tables, with a few chairs and kendo sticks. It was all about the gimmick tonight and not about the feud. 

Has this feud fallen short of expectations? The matches have been good, but have not been great. What I really wanted out of this feud was to find out which superstar WWE thinks has the brighter future. Wyatt wins at WWE TLC, loses at Tribute to the Troops and wins on WWE Raw. This tells me that WWE has bigger plans, right now, for Bray Wyatt. Either way, there has not been a really wow moment from this feud. You wanted it at WWE TLC, but it was elbow drops through tables. There was nothing MEANINGFUL. 

My biggest fear about this feud was that neither guy had a really career-defining win. Still, neither has and both guys are at the cusp of the main event. I just have not seen anything that makes me think these guys are “close.” 


WZ 6


@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. WWE Raw Rating:


WZ 5.5