John Cena vs. Seth Rollins Inside a Steel Cage
Seth tries to escape early and often, trying to avoid any contact with Cena. Rollins hits a great neckbreaker from the top rope and we head to a break. John Cena hits a few shoulder blocks and then a side suplex. Rollins catches him with a kick to the face. Cena hits his 5 Knuckle Shuffle and then tries to get an AA. He throws Rollins into Mercury and then hits an Attitude Adjustment. Seth Rollins kicks out and the match continues.
Jamie Noble holds the door shut and stops Cena from escaping. Both men are on the top rope and he hits a flying leg drop for a two count. Seth Rollins escapes an AA and hits a flying knee from the side of the cage. The match continues and Rollins tries to bring out all of the stops. Rollins yells at Cena over and over about him costing him the two biggest matches of his career. He throws Cena into the cage a few times.
Cena is able to get up and gets hit in the head with the cage door. J and J try to grab Rollins out of the door and Rollins hits a big spinning kick. Cena hits a big clothesline and turns Rollins inside out. Both men slug away at one another and Rollins is able to hit Cena with a briefcase. Cena kicks out once again and Rollins tries to escape. Cena drags him in and hits an AA from the the ropes. Brock Lesnar’s music hits and here comes the champion. Lesnar hits German Suplex 3 times onto Cena. Lesnar hits an F-5 as well. He puts his eyes on Seth Rollins and tells Rollins to cover Cena. Rollins hits a Curb Stomp from the top rope and then walks out of the cage.
Seth Rollins shakes hands with Paul Heyman and picks up the win.
WWE Raw ends with an excellent steel cage match. I really enjoyed the fact that Seth Rollins looked very strong tonight. He was able to get a handful of close falls and still use his heel tactics to try and escape. As a heel, you are supposed to be a coward. There is a fine line between coward and complete wuss. Rollins and Cena went back and forth, as Cena was able to connect with an Attitude Adjustment. Seth Rollins kicked out and then was able to hit a Drive-By off the ropes. As Rollins continued to try and escape. He would be dragged back into the ring and hit with an AA from the top rope.
Cue Brock Lesnar, who comes in and hits 3 German Suplexes. I loved it. I thought that he desperately needed to come out to end Raw. One 3 minute segment with him would have been a waste. The handshake between Paul Heyman and Seth Rollins pleasantly surprised me. It makes Rollins hold onto the briefcase even longer. If they want to make Rollins THAT important, let him cash in on Roman Reigns after he has his big moment against Brock at Mania. It gives him a HUGE spotlight and has the fans feeling sympathetic for Reigns. It would only help both men out and, if Lesnar is gone, shift the focus to the young stars of the WWE after that night. Will Rollins be “A Paul Heyman Guy?”