Isenberg Reacts: WWE Raw “When Lesnar Returns, Everything is Better”

 Roman Reigns on WWE Raw

wwe rawFandango comes out and dances his way into the ring. After the commercial break, Roman Reigns interrupts him and hits a Superman Punch and a Spear. As he is about to talk, Big Show makes his way to the ramp. He warns Big Show that he will hit him in the mouth if he comes down to the ring. Big Show says he is a pretty boy and will put him back on the injured reverse list. Reigns hits a Superman Punch and Big Show gets upset. He throws the stairs around and Big Show retreats.

I find it as beautiful irony that this segment comes up right after we see Brock Lesnar. I was extremely confused to see him interrupt Fandango, but I am okay with him and Big Show. Roman Reigns will have a huge impact on WrestleMania 31 and will most likely be the guy to face Brock Lesnar. Let him dominate for a few months. First up: The Big Show. As long as he faces him in the Rumble match and not a singles match, I am absolutely okay with this. Good start for Roman Reigns’ return.

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Jimmy Uso defeated The Miz

Not a bad match between both guys here tonight, as Jimmy picks up a much needed win to keep his feud with The Miz going. I just do not know exactly where they want to go with this. Naomi should be in the corner with her husband to really emphasize the storyline more than just running into The Miz in the back.  Either way, they are consistent and continue to make this a mid card storyline on Raw and Smackdown. 

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