Isenberg Reacts: WWE Raw “When Lesnar Returns, Everything is Better”

Kane Buries Adam Rose and The Bunny

wwe rawWe may have seen the end of this absolutely terrible gimmick from Adam Rose. Kane dominates both in this match, beating Rose with a chokeslam and then hitting a double chokeslam before hitting a Tombstone Piledriver onto The Bunny. 

I really wish that our wishes came true and this is the end of this awful gimmick. I cheered for Kane for the first time in about 2 years. Why won’t Kane put the mask back on and put his gear on. 

He is not Corporate Kane without The Authority. So, the point of him right now is what exactly?

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Brock Lesnar Returns

Chris Jericho was set to face Paul Heyman, who tries to weasel his way out of the match. He tries to pay him off and Jericho does not take it. Alas, the return of the WWE World Heavyweight Champion returns and Brock Lesnar comes down. 

Jericho tries to attack first and hit a Codebreaker, but Lesnar stopped it and hit an F-5. The segment ends with the champion walking out with his advocate.

How much more important does WWE Raw feel with that music blasting through the arena and Brock Lesnar returning. ABOUT DAMN TIME!

It has been so long since we saw Brock Lesnar. All I have to say is this: Brock Lesnar better make another appearance tonight and to end WWE Raw. Overexpose him and let Lesnar carry the show. He is your champion for crying out loud.

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