Isenberg’s Reaction: WWE Raw “What Makes Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt Must See?”

 6 Man Tag Team Match Ends Raw

wwe rawRyback gets into the ring and hits a suplex and Lou Theis press onto Kane. Luke Harper tries to stop the big guy, but to no avail. Ryback unloads with a clothesline and applies a head lock. Seth Rollins gets into the ring and kicks away at Ryback. He tags in Harper and he hits gets reversed with hit with a stalling suplex…. Raw goes to commercial in between a move. (Odd)

Ryback hits that called suplex and Dolph Ziggler gets Kane. He locks in a sleeper hold and Kane follows up with a chop from the ropes. Seth comes in and slows down the pace. Dolph finally gets a tag and Cena comes in hot. Harper gets hit with the AA.

Ryback and Cena hit a double suplex. J and J Security hit John Cena and he kicks out at two. John Cena powers out of Kane’s choke hold with a dropkick. Luke Harper gets into the ring and hits a side slam for two. After more big offensive spots, the finish comes when Ziggler picks up the win over Harper. All chaos breaks loose. 

I thought WWE did a good job involving three of their “big feuds.” Unfortunately, these feuds are not extremely detailed or really full of depth. WWE is too focused on good guy vs. bad guy that they rarely put more effort into a story than is needed. You can tell they are giving some young guys a chance in the late months of the year to see who sticks at the top. Do we really care about Kane? Is Ryback going to be around for a few more months? Cena is Cena. The only beneficiaries here seem to be Dolph, Rollins and Harper (to an extent). The match was a good ending, but the overall problem is that WWE has such a lack of top legit faces in the company. Hell, they have a lack of legit heels. All we want is something more than just the ordinary. 

WZZ 6.5

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. WWE Raw Rating:

WZ 5




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