Isenberg’s Reaction: WWE Raw “What Makes Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt Must See?”

Why Do I Care About Bray vs. Dean?

wwe rawBray Wyatt hits a big punch and a headbutt to Truth while he yells for Dean Ambrose. Wyatt continues the assault with more shots to his head. R-Truth ducks a move, but he gets taken down again. He applies a head lock and a hip toss. Wyatt misses a splash and Truth hits a spinning heel kick. A splash into the corner and a spinning elbow gives Truth the upper hand. He misses a scissors kick and he plants him into the mat. Wyatt hits a face first DDT into the apron. 

Wyatt throws chairs into the ring and we are heading to a commercial break. He comes back and talks about Dean Ambrose and says his usual deal about Ambrose. Dean comes out and hell breaks loose. Ambrose teases hitting an elbow drop from the ladder. Bray escapes and Dean breaks his wooden chair with a metal one.

The match was boring. There is no other way to describe it. You have freaking R-Truth in a match against Bray Wyatt. Where is the suspense? Where is the dramatic pieces to this match? There was NONE. It was a waste of time. 

I really did not find anything spectacular during their interaction after the break as well. There should be depth and more creativity aside from breaking a wooden chair. Why am I wanting to see Dean get his hands on Bray? Why do I want to see these guys fight? Aside from the very logical standpoint of them having a good match, where is the creativity that we are all craving? This HAS TO BE BETTER.

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Nikki and Brie Bella vs. AJ Lee and Naomi

Naomi gets taken down by Nikki. She hits a snap suplex and then applies a headlock. She dropkicks her knee and then puts her boot right in her throat. Brie hits a running knee and then drags Naomi for a pinfall attempt. Brie tags her sister in and she hits another clothesline.

AJ gets into the ring and hits a splash into the corner and a neckbreaker. She gets her knees up and hits a Tornado DDT. Brie breaks up the pinfall and Naomi hits a big dropkick. AJ tosses Brie to the outside and hits Nikki with a Shining Wizard. She makes Nikki tap out to the Black Widow.

AJ Lee gets her legs under her and puts on a quick and effective match. I love how explosive she was. She came in, took care of business and did not waste much time. She gets her revenge and will get another match at WWE TLC.

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