Yeah… My last pick is never going to happen.
Remember the SummerSlam where John Cena led a team against the Nexus, and ended up bringing Bret Hart, Chris Jericho, Edge and a bunch of other people together? Remember when he brought back Daniel Bryan, and Matt Striker had an orgasm on commentary?
I could picture Survivor Series having another moment like that. One of those unexpected, memorable moments in wrestling that totally make a new star’s career. Imagine John Cena holding off on announcing the fifth man, trying to keep the Authority on their toes, and then bringing out Steen at the last minute and charging the ring. Maybe I’m overestimating how many people know and/or care about him, but as my favorite guy working in the wrestling business today, I’d mark out.
The rumor is that Steen will debut in NXT as Kevin Owens. He’ll go through the same developmental treatment as Adrian Neville, Sami Zayn, Hideo Itami, Finn Balor and a bunch of other people who had way cooler names two years ago.
I get that everyone has to go through NXT now. It’s their new thing. It’s Triple H’s new way of doing wrestling. But come on man… it’s Kevin F****** Steen.
You know the thing about all those NXT guys since it became a WWE Network show…? They’re all still there.