Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction “WWE Needs to Tie Up Their Loose Ends”

Smackdown Main Event Tag Team Match

smackdown reactionDean Ambrose and Randy Orton grapple early and Ambrose unloads onto Orton in the corner. He strikes hard and fast, with a ground clothesline and a forearm to the face. John Cena gets into the ring and hits a suplex onto Orton. Kane gets into the ring and begins some stomach blows to the former champ. John Cena tags in Ambrose and he hits a Suicide Dive to take out Randy Orton and Kane.

After the break, Kane hits a big boot onto Ambrose. Dean Ambrose is isolated and Randy Orton stomps a mud hole into him. Ambrose gets beaten down for a few more minutes until he tries to make the tag. John Cena runs after Seth Rollins, leaving Dean Ambrose in the ring by himself. He fights to Orton and a cross body with more punches. Orton kicks Ambrose in the stomach and hits a DDT. Orton and Kane get disqualified and begin the assault on Ambrose. Randy Orton hits an RKO onto Dean Ambrose and The Authority runs off. 

I liked the action in the match, but did not like a few things. Dean Ambrose is not Roman Reigns and tonight showed it. He was the weak link in the match. He did not get the hot tag during the match. WWE views Ambrose as the weaker of the two main stars. If they wanted to build him in a higher and quicker way to the top, let Cena take the bulk of the damage.

**I also think the Ambrose vs. Cena thing is a little forced. It needs to be more about Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose. Whoever Cena faces is always going to be important. We need the big payoff between Ambrose and Rollins before either of them move on.

All in all, Smackdown has it’s bright spots and the main event delivered in developing the next layer of their story while spotlighting some of their best talent. It was not a waste of a show. We have seen that too many times over the past few months. Funny, isn’t it, when John Cena is on a show and it feels important.

WZ 7


@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Smackdown Reaction Rating:

WZ 5.5



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