Title This: TNA Impact Wrestling Reaction “A New Legend Killer is Born”

Low Ki, Crazzy Steve and Tigre Uno defeated DJ Z, Manik and Homicide

tna impact wrestling reactionDJ Z flips around in the ring and tries to catch Uno. Uno hits a dropkick for a one count. Uno balances himself on the ropes and hits a hurricanranna (even though it took a little longer than expected to execute). Z tags in Homicide and he begins to unload onto Uno. Low Ki takes over, but Homicide blocks a Ki Crusher attempt.

Crazzy Steve sends him to the outside, then he dives on him outside before Uno sends Zema outside. Manik ‘s underhook suplex is reversed and he is sent to the outside. Low Ki comes back with a springboard thrust kick and a Ki Crusher for the victory.

This is what you would expect from an X-division match. It was entertaining and extremely fast-paced. I saw more out of Crazzy Steve tonight than ever before. His gimmick is terrible, but the guy actually has some real talent. DJ Z continues to be the best the X-Division has. It is bothersome to me that he has to lose time and time again. He has the most personality, the best look and the most marketable wrestler in TNA’s X-Division. Low Ki, although looking like a Planet of the Apes character, is really good. You cannot doubt these guys have talent. How do you build the X-Divison champion, while building contenders at the same time? TNA sometimes forgets that their champion should be spotlighted EVERY SINGLE WEEK.

WZZ 6.5

Rhino defeated Ethan Carter III

Rhino tosses EC3 into the barricade and then back into the ring. He punches away and EC3 is able to hit an explosive clothesline for a two count. Carter slows down the pace with a submission hold to the neck. Carter grounds Rhino and is able to get out of the submission hold. EC3 hits a corner splash and then applies another submission hold. Rhino counters with a few shoulder blocks  and then a Samoan Drop.  Spud distracts Rhino for a second, which lets EC3 hit a low blow. Rhino kicks out and hits a big clothesline. Rhino hits a side belly to belly suplex. He sets up for the Gore, but Spud grabs his ankle again. Carter hits him with a chair and gets DQ’ed. He unloads onto Rhino with the chair.

This is the first time we have seen a relentless and aggressive side of EC3 that we have not really seen before. The disqualification means nothing. Look further than this match. Carter is a bonafide star and will be a main event talent in no time. He has already faced guys like Sting, Kurt Angle, Dreamer and Rhino. Can we call him the new “Legend Killer.” This match was so old school with a little twist. It was not fancy and full of high spots. TNA simplified the character of EC3 and it worked. I want to see more of him and want him to reach a new level sooner rather than later. Who else deserves a main event spot over him right now? 

WZZ 6.5


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