Title This: WWE Raw Reaction “Last Stop Heats Up SummerSlam”

raw reactionRoman Reigns defeated Rybaxel

WWE Raw Reaction starts with Reigns in a Handicap Match. This Handicap Match is made from The Authority, to test Reigns before SummerSlam. Reigns and Ryback try to overpower the other man. Reigns hits a clothesline and then begins to work away at him. Reigns finally gets going by hitting a few clotheslines from the corner. He hits a Samoan Drop and then chops away at Ryback. Reigns hits his patented kick to the face of Axel, while throwing Ryback into the ring post. He hits two Superman punches and then a spear onto both men. Reigns picks up the win.

Reigns cuts a promo in the ring and says he never stole from Randy Orton. He says he is going to take everything from him. I thought the promo was good, but another show goes by without Reigns and Orton on the same screen. I just wish WWE gave us what is needed to see, not what is hidden. They are trying to separate them, but this is the final show before SummerSlam. Sell me the undercard a little better.

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Randy Orton defeated Sheamus

Sheamus controls much of the match, hitting ten strikes to the chest of Orton. Randy Orton hits a big DDT and sets up for an RKO after a hard fought contest. Sheamus hits battering ram and a side suplex. Sheamus is setting up for a Brogue Kick but misses. Sheamus blocks RKO and is sent head first into the turnbuckle. Sheamus goes up top and Orton hits an RKO off the rope. 

WOW, Randy Orton just knows how to wrestle and is so damn smooth. Orton is such an incredible performer and knows what to do to make everyone remember that. I would change one thing about tonight:


WZ 7


Seth Rollins defeated Rob Van Dam 

Rollins works at RVD very quickly, with kicks to his stomach. RVD hits a split leg moonsault onto the outside. He kicks Rollins again and gets a two count. Rollins counters and hits a Curb Stomp.

Rollins and RVD got enough time to make a really good match, but it was average. Rollins had to overcome more offense than needed. Rollins should have had more offensive moves to his arsenal here. I like how they are building him, somewhat of a sleezy heel. He is never going to be the biggest or smartest, but Rollins’ gimmick is really old school heel. People do not like him and that is exactly what they need to have happen.

After the match, he looks at the presents on the stage for Hogan. He is paranoid and thinks Ambrose is in one of them. Ambrose explodes out of the gift and attacks Rollins. Amrbose gave us the EXACT amount of physicality to get the fans excited for their fight on Sunday, even though it is a lame Lumberjack Match.

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