Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction “Dean Ambrose Leads The Way”

The Big Show and Mark Henry defeated Rybaxel

Smackdown reactionSmackdown reaction starts with a new tag team versus a tag team nobody cares about. You can read the names of this match and know how it all played out. Ryback and Axel got a few moves in, but it was more about the fact that Henry and Big Show teamed together. They hit a chokeslam and World’s Strongest Slam in stereo to pick up the win. 

My question is this: Does WWE think this is a tag team that has longevity? It would do nothing for them to be teaming together, especially since they are faces with the crowd right now. Even if they turn heel, they are so limited in the ring and are too similar in offensive styles to really give an intriguing match with The Uso’s or anyone else.



WZ 4.5

Sin Cara defeated Damien Sandow

Another gimmick for Sandow and another loss. When will WWE realize that his potential is now crushed because they gave him this ridiculous gimmick. He is doing all that he can right now, but they are already running out of ideas. Sandow needs to be saved, but I doubt WWE wants to do that. Sandow loses here to Sin Cara in a glorified squash match. 

Can Damien Sandow be saved? @JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter to react now!

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