Heath Slater defeated Seth Rollins
Heath Slater subs in for RVD, ordered by The Authority. Slater hits a few big moves and out comes Ambrose. He mocks Rollins on the outside and rips apart his contract inside the briefcase. He pours a beverage in the suitcase of Rollins and Seth cannot stay focused. Rollins and Slater hit shots back and forth to one another. Ambrose puts his hat on and then locks it in the briefcase. Slater rolls up Rollins and Ambrose gets to choose the stipulation.
Okay, this was fun and clever. Why wouldn’t Ambrose just strike Slater and cause a DQ? Wouldn’t that be easier? It was illogical, but not terrible. It was just “eh.” Did anyone love this segment? No. Did anyone really hate it? No.
Brie Bella and Stephanie McMahon Contract Signing
Brie talks about how she is going to embarrass Stephanie McMahon and she is going to fight for Vickie Guerrero, Big Show and others that they have manipulated. Stephanie talks about how wrestling families would not want to be represented by her. Stephanie says Brie is nothing and is a wannabe reality star who tries to steal her sister’s identity to make herself famous. She asks who the piece of trash is now? Stephanie says she is going to tear Brie’s heart out. Triple H traps Brie with the table. Stephanie gets Nikki Bella and hits a Pedigree onto her. Brie slaps Triple h and Stephanie throws her head onto the table. She makes it 2-2 in Pedgriee’s onto the sisters.
You can bash WWE all you want for having this end WWE Raw with Stephanie again, but she could be the best heel in the business. She is identical to her father, someone who paved the way for authority figures holding all of the power. I liked the ending, even though it was something that would have been just as effective earlier in the night.
WWE Raw lacked plenty of things tonight. They seemed to be in autopilot tonight in terms of progressing feuds.
1. Rusev and Swagger
2. Ambrose vs. Del Rio
3. Stephanie being the best heel in WWE.
1.Lack of Reigns and Orton on the same screen tonight.
2. A waste of time 2 weeks before your second biggest PPV of the year by having Fandango, Mark Henry, Bo Dallas match
3. No live shots of Cena, Lesnar or Paul Heyman
4. Ziggler and Jericho not getting enough time in the ring to showcase their abilities in their respective matches.
5. A glaring lack of tag team division with no opponents for Jimmy and Jey Uso
WWE Raw Rating:
@JoshIsenberg on Twitter. Reaction, over.