Title This: WWE Raw Reaction “No Cena, No Lesnar, Big Problems”

 wwe raw reactionDiego defeated Fandango

Once again, Fandango loses and looks like a complete joke. Too bad, as Johnny Curtis is actually a really good wrestler. Why does WWE think this will entertain anyone? If they need a comedy act, give me someone else. This does nothing for any fan out there. I would rather see every Diva in a match, even Eva Marie, over this segment. It makes no sense and Fandango needs to find another Diva to dance with, not Hornswoggle.

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Bo Dallas defeated R-Truth

Bo Dallas gets back on the winning side when he grabs Truth’s jeans and picks up a cheap win. Dallas gets attacked by R-Truth after the match. Dallas shoves him into the steel steps and then hits a Bo-Dog on the outside.

The loss that Dallas suffered makes him more of a heel, right? I am not sure, as fans continue to cheer him. Why? NOBODY CARES ABOUT R-TRUTH. Give Dallas someone like Ziggler or Sheamus. He should face someone that people actually give a crap about.

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