Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction “All About SummerSlam’s Mid Card”

AJ Lee defeated Rosa Mendes

wwe smackdown reactionRosa yells at AJ and Lee kicks her in the stomach. AJ Lee locks in Black Widow and that is it. After the match, Paige comes out and attacks AJ Lee. She comes from behind and throws AJ Lee off of the stage. AJ tumbles off the stage and Paige says she still loves her and that she is fine. The camera angle was perfect and Paige yelling is really making this interesting to me. This is the best thing WWE could do with Paige. Make her out to be a heel, but on accident. Until they unleash Paige completely, AJ Lee will always be number one in the Divas division. You cannot complain with WWE at least building storylines for their Divas.



WZZ 6.5

Seth Rollins and Kane defeated Dean Ambrose

Ambrose hits a suicide dive onto both men on the outside. He trips Kane into the steps and focuses his attention to Seth Rollins. Ambrose punches away in the middle of the ring. Ambrose unleashes hell out of Rollins. Kane finally gets back into the mix and he throws him into the timekeeper’s area. Ambrose gets into the ring with a chair and the match is officially over. Ambrose hits an DDT onto Kane with the chair and Rollins escapes. 

Well done, WWE. You give us just a little piece of what we are all wanting to see. We want to see Ambrose vs. Rollins and both men just unleashing their pent up frustrations. Ambrose has such a great gimmick and Rollins is playing such a great heel right now. Rollins is easy to hate and Ambrose is such a likable maniac. His facial expressions are always on point and Rollins continues to be cowardly, just like he needs to be.

WZ 7.5

Diego defeated Fandango

Once again, Fandango is distracted by his former lovers. Summer Rae and Layla distract him on the outside and costs him another match. I want to know where this will all lead to. Will Fandango have another woman come to his rescue? Will he be turned into a sympathetic character? Until there is a clearer picture, I just cannot stand him losing time and time again to meaningless opponents.

WZ 2.5