Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction “Nostalgia Rules NYC”

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Match

impact wrestling reactionLashley and Jeff Hardy. Two different wrestlers in the ring headline the main event of Impact. Lashley starts the match by overpowering Hardy, but Jeff is able to hit some splash moves to the outside. Lashley slugs away at Hardy’s neck and face. Hardy reverses Lashley and hits Whisper in the Wind. Hardy hits a Twist of Fate and heads to the top. Hardy hits the Swanton Bomb, but Lashley kicks out at the last second. Hardy throws Lashley into the steel steps and heads up top. Hardy tries Swanton Bomb, but Lashley misses and he crashes onto the steel steps. Lashley eyes up Hardy and unloads a spear for the win. 

This was a really great match. It had a little bit of everything. You had Hardy, who still remains one of the best entertainers in TNA, work with Lashley who is coming into his own. One thing I used to bash Lashley about was the fact that he had ZERO facial expressions to tell the story. It looks like he is really working on selling moves and selling the story that is told inside the ring. Lashley is the right choice for champion, right now.

WZ 8

Dixie Carter comes out with EC3, Rockstar Spud and Rhino. Bully Ray and Dreamer come into the ring and they are all fighting in the ring. Rhino and EC3 are thrown out of the ring. Dreamer sets the table up and Spud is taken to the outside. All eyes are on Dixie, where Bully promised to put her through a table. The crowd chants Yes! and EC3 hits a low blow onto Dreamer. Dixie gets out of the ring and heads into the crowd. Out comes Devon, who reunites with Bully Ray. He heads up top and hits a head butt onto EC3. EC3 gets a 3D through the table.

Nostalgia rules the Impact Wrestling episode and I enjoyed the return of Devon to help out Bully Ray. EC3 gets a table. Dixie Carter needs to be next, right? Isn’t that what we want to see? If this happens, Dixie gets written off television, which will be a blessing. I enjoyed the ending segment, but I would’ve swapped that with the TNA Heavyweight Championship match. Make the title more important than Dixie. I felt like it could have been executed better and smoother. It seemed like TNA tried to stuff too much action in a final segment that felt out of place. 

WZ 7


The final Impact Wrestling Score is:

WZZ 6.5


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