Title This: WWE Raw Reaction “Roman’s Range”

Roman Kicks off Raw

WWE Raw ReactionReigns cuts a really good promo on his opponents at WWE Battleground. He makes an unscripted jab at John Cena when the crowd chants that Cena sucks. After his great promo, Kane comes out. This leads to both men brawling inside and outside of the ring. Officials break them apart and they continue to fight back and forth. Reigns hits a Superman Punch and ends the segment with a massive scream.

I loved this. Reigns said JUST ENOUGH. He had some great moments to kick off Raw and he is going to be a mega star. The crowd was behind him and the action spoke louder than his words. An electric beginning to the night means great things for the show. Roman Reigns is just so good right now and some can argue that he is the best choice for WWE World Heavyweight Champion. I can't make an argument against it.

Score: 8/10

Luke Harper and Erick Rowan defeated The Uso's

They did it at Money in the Bank and they did it again tonight. I do give some credit to the fans, who were extremely influential in getting the guys to work even better and faster. The ending came when everything broke down and The Uso's hit a double kick to Harper. Both men were tripped and Harper hits a big clothesline for the win. The key of the ending: The Uso's argue that it was not the right one that got pinned. Either way, this match showed me that WWE has TWO great tag teams, but that is not enough. They need more teams to step up and prove that they can get on that level of these two. 

Score: 7.5/10

-Alicia Fox vs. Nikki Bella were supposed to fight with a hand tied behind their backs. Fox attacks Nikki and begins the assault. Alicia Fox looks to be a hired hand from The Authority, which I am okay with. She will not be used on a week to week basis, but this made sense. All that this is doing is adding more fuel to Stephanie's feud with Bryan's wife and her sister. In my opinion, it has already lasted way too long. This has been going on for months and is a storyline that lacks star power. 

Score: 3/10

Rusev defeated Rob Van Dam 

This was not a bad match. It was not a squash as to what we have been used to. Rusev gets on the defensive when RVD hits a DDT. WWE made a smart decision when airing a Zeb Colter pre-recorded promo. There is no way Swagger should have come out and had Zeb talk about America in Canada. I was nervous that they would try and make a US-Canada connection, but this was much smarter. 

Score: 5.5/10


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