Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction “New Champions and New Turns”

Championship Matches Headline Impact

impact wrestling reactionGail Kim defeated Angelina Love to win the TNA Knockouts Championship

TNA gave these two girls plenty of time to work this match. Love hits a running dropkick to the stomach of Gail. The first part of the match saw Love dominate and getting some help from Velvet. Sky is sent to the back after the referee catches her trying to cheat. Gail Kim hits multiple shoulder blocks and a clothesline. The smooth transition into moves is what Kim does best. She hits a torpedo dive and then a missle dropkick from the top rope. Love gets a quick shot in but Kim hits Eat Defeat for the win.

Kim wins the championship and it was a really good way for her to get it back. The match was booked logically and had the face go over when the heels were caught cheating. Love and Sky will still be in the hunt for the championship, but this is the first piece of adversity they have had to face since reuniting.

Score: 7/10

Lashley defeated Eric Young

MVP was tossed from the match early on. Lashley works with the crowd during the match and tries to get some natural heel heat. He works on the legs of Young and begins to overpower him. Lashley kicks him in the stomach and leg sweeps him. Young gets to his feet and heads up top. Lashley catches him and both men exchange blows. Lashley is sent off the top and Young hits an elbow drop for a two count. Lashley reverses a Piledriver with a Dominator. Lashley hits a spear for the win.

I was happy to see a champion win by himself. Lashley is a really good wrestler, even though he can look a little mechanical at times. He showed off some of his athleticism and the match had some good ring psychology in it. Young is not world championship material. Lashley is. Lashley is a guy that brings importance to a title and looks like he should be at the top.

Score: 6.5/10

Impact Wrestling Score: 6.5/10

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Reaction, over.