Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction

The Undercard

impact wrestling reactionGail Kim and Taryn Terrell defeated The Beautiful People

I thought this was a pretty solid match between four completely different competitors. Gail and Taryn are a nice pairing. You have the solid veteran and the other who can hit some pretty solid moves. I wonder if Taryn will be pushed over Gail because she is something fresh. I still think Kim is the best women's wrestler in the company, but a little fresh blood would not hurt. Gail picks up the win for her team after getting a hot tag from Taryn.

Score: 5/10

Sanada defeated Manik, Crazy Steve and DJ Z 

This was short and effective. All four guys got some sort of offense in. DJ Z got a springboard DDT onto Steve, while Sanada catches Zema with a double underhook suplex for the win. I feel like TNA randomly throws guys in the ring and see what sticks. Nothing in here stuck out to me besides some talent, but no wow factor. DJ Z is by far my favorite and should be taken more seriously. Unfortunately, it seems like he will be used in this role for the forseeable future.

Score: 5/10

Mr. Anderson defeated James Storm

Anderson hits a spinning neck breaker onto Storm until he is thrown into the corner. Anderson hits a plunge and is grabbing at his neck. Storm hits a neckbreaker and gets a two count. Storm wants to hit Last Call, but Anderson tries a Mic Check. He reverses it and hits his finisher for the win. 

It was a hard hitting match that did not seem to get the crowd too involved. They have had better matches, matches with more dramatic ties and changes. Instead, this was pretty basic. It was not bad, but it was not great. 

Score: 5/10

Tommy Dreamer and EC3 start to fight backstage and get into the arena. Dreamer hits a back suplex onto EC3 tosses him back first into the steel steps. Dreamer gets teh upper hand and officials come in to finally break it up.

I liked the intensity and the physicality, but do we really want to see Tommy Dreamer in a match? Him vs. EC3 are going to have one hardcore fight. I wonder if this is what EC3 should be doing right now. There are more things for him to focus on, like getting into a championship match. 

Score: 5.5/10


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