Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction “Reigns is Booked Like Cena, Which is Best For Business”

The Main Events

wwe smackdown reactionKane defeated Dean Ambrose

The best part about The Shield splitting up is that Dean Ambrose is getting a considerable amount of time in matches. He has not always been a guy to showcase his athletic ability, but he is able to now. Kane does a rather good job keeping up the pace. Ambrose hits a suicide dive onto Kane and then attacks Rollins at the announce table. Rollins is able to distract Ambrose enough for Kane to pick up the win. 

After the match, Rollins hits a Curb Stomp onto Ambrose. This segment was really logical and effective. Ambrose getting screwed over seems to be the storyline for the foreseeable future. Both men will enter Money in the Bank, but who does WWE give it to? To an extent, this is similar to Sandow vs. Rhodes from a year ago. The only difference: they are bigger stars who dominated WWE for over a year.

Score: 6.5/10

Roman Reigns, John Cena and Sheamus defeated Alberto Del Rio, Cesaro, Bray Wyatt and Randy Orton

The big main event of the night features all of the opponents in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match. John Cena took much of the beating for his team, which was surprising. This tells you that WWE is doing everything logically and correctly to make Reigns viewed as the next big star. He gets little offense and the hot tag. Del Rio and Cesaro beat down Cena until Reigns explodes in the ring. Reigns unloads onto Del Rio and hits a massive kick to his face. Sheamus knocks over Cesaro and Reigns goes for a Superman Punch. He tries a Samoan Drop and hits a punch onto Wyatt. Orton is tossed to the outside and Del Rio gets planted with a Spear. Reigns and the faces stand tall.

Roman Reigns is the real deal and everyone is getting to know this. You had him barely work a match, get a massive pop and have the Cena treatment. This is only good for him right now and can only show you that he is going to be a STAR. The main event showed you that Reigns is booked bigger than anyone else right now. Second would be Bray, who saw little action. 

Score: 7.5/10

WWE Smackdown Score: 5.5/10

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Reaction, over.