Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction “Too Many Matches, Not Enough Progression”

The Undercard

WWE Smackdown reactionCesaro defeated Kofi Kingston

This was your typical Kofi Kingston match, one where he gets a little offense in and then misses a kick to see Cesaro take control. Cesaro hits a massive uppercut and then connects with the Neutralizer.

I was very surprised that Sheamus did not come out and try to get more revenge on Cesaro. It was needed in a segment that fell a little flat and meaningless to me. 

Score: 4/10

Paige defeated Tamina

Alicia Fox comes out and parades around the ring. She is distracting Paige, which allows Tamina to overpower Paige. Tamina tosses her around and misses a shoulder block. This allows Paige to take control and hit multiple clotheslines and a big kick to the head. Paige hits Paigeturner and the PTO for the win. 

I liked this match because Paige actually showed aggression and intensity. Every match seemed to be her "barely" winning. Not tonight, as Paige takes control of a much bigger and stronger Diva. Alicia Fox continues to do the small things to make her character more interesting.

Score: 5/10


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