3/30 Wrestlezone Recap: WrestleMania & Hall of Fame Cards Finalized, Kevin Steen at WWE Tryout Camp, Glacier Complains About the Attitude Era & More

Next Gen Wrestling

WWE 2K15 will be released for PS4 later this year. Which means it will probably still be released for last generation systems for the next five years, as they were still making games for the PS2 as late as 2010. For the sake of video games as an artistic medium, I hope 2K has plans to do something special with this year's game, but given – oh, just about every game they release annually – I'm not holding my breath. Don't get me wrong, their sports games are the best, but they're also the same thing repackaged with a different gimmmick every year. WWE games are no different, nor do they have any reason to be. So long as they make money, there's no reason to be creative…

Oh, and what are the odds that the crowds still look like ass? 

ROH Returns to iPPV

Ring of Honor will return to iPPV format for their two upcoming New Japan co-productions. They are using uStream, which NJPW has found success with since digging into the iPPV business. Hopefully any streaming issues will be kept under control, because these two shows have the potential to be the biggest and best in company history. Anybody who watches New Japan knows how good they are right now, and Ring of Honor has one of the best collective talent pools in the world today. I'm looking forward to both shows. 


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