3/30 Wrestlezone Recap: WrestleMania & Hall of Fame Cards Finalized, Kevin Steen at WWE Tryout Camp, Glacier Complains About the Attitude Era & More

"The Fans Are Missing Out"

Batista recently made some comments about the latest Daniel Bryan craze, stating that fans are missing out on the whole show by chanting for their guy during all the matches.

That's a pretty fair point. Say what you will about the incredible outpouring of support for Daniel Bryan this year, but the last few months of WWE Raw have been passable at best. You know Bryan is going to be on the card at some point, unless they explicetly give you a reason why he won't. This whole "Hijack" movement is basically the WWE Universe's massive false sense of entitlement getting out of control. 

Side note: Bryan also did an interview recently wherein he mentioned the reason he doesn't get ribbed backstage is simple – he kicks people in the balls for messing with him. That's pretty badass…


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