Title This: 3/24 WWE Raw Reaction “WrestleMania XXX Card Shapes Up”

The Undercard Part Two

wwe raw reactionThe Big Show defeated Titus O'Neil

O'Neil gets a pretty solid offensive performance. He hits a few splashes into the corner and works over the big man. Show ends up getting the victory after a few big moves.

Reaction: Not a good match. There was nothing else to say besides the fact that WWE threw two big guys together in a match that will be involved in the battle royal. Big Show wins means there is no way Titus wins at WrestleMania. Are you interested in this 30 man match in New Orleans? @JoshIsenberg4 yes or no.

Score: 3/10

Naomi defeated AJ Lee

Naomi hits two dropkicks and gets the offense going. AJ Lee says she does not need to wrestle because she has the Divas Championship. AJ Lee heads to the back and gets counted out. Vickie Guerrero comes out and says that her comments were uncalled for this past weekend on Smackdown. Vickie calls AJ Lee a bitch and announces that AJ Lee will defend the Divas Championship in the "Vickie Guerrero Divas Championship Invitational". She will compete against Naomi, Cameron, Brie Bella, Nikki Bella, Natalya, Eva Marie, Emma, Aksana, Alicia Fox, Summer Rae, Rosa Mendes, Layla and Tamina.

Reaction: I would rather see less opponents, but this is to be expected. AJ Lee will have to fight all the Divas. Will this be a pinfall or what? They needed to explain more to get me more interested.

Score: 4/10

The Shield defeated The Real Americans

Fantastic match that features Rollins and Ambrose really coming into their own. The high spots of the match included Cesaro's giant swing, Rollins diving to the outside, and Rollins hitting an impressive knee/kick for the win. The ending was fast paced and really made the end of the match important. Cesaro got some revenge after the match, but Kane made a match with them and The New Age Outlaws.

Reaction: Well, WWE pulled the cord on a split from The Shield. The match will be a fun one at WrestleMania, but lacks a really important feeling. The New Age Outlaws? Really? I think this would be a perfect time for Dean Ambrose to officially turn on his teammates.

Score: 7.5/10


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