Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction “TNA Hits The Reset Button”

Abyss Gets a Makeover

impact wrestling reactionMagnus and Abyss are now somewhat of a team. He bribed the big man with some money and now is his insurance policy. I like Magnus, I really do, but he desperately needs to prove to me that he can carry an actual feud, win a few matches by himself and be a credible champion. Heel champions never really need to win clean, but I would like to see a change in that. Make him look like a credible champion and not a fluke. As for Abyss, his new mask is solid and I like the fact that he does not have the wig. Long hair is so 1999. Abyss vs. Samoa Joe ends when Eric Young comes in and hits a missle dropkick onto Abyss. Really? TNA has a great opportunity to start fresh with Abyss, yet brings his former partner in? They need to separate him from Young because Young will always be a comedy and a lame gimmick.

Score: 5.5/10

Brittany defeated Gail Kim. A new knockout debuts and is smoking hot. Brittany did not really do much offensively in her first outing, but the bigger story was Lei'D Tapa beating down her former partner in crime. It looks like this is the right time for Tapa to sink or swim on her own. She has the size and the intensity. I fear her lack of speed could ultimately hurt her in a division with speedy, small and technical Knockouts.

Score: 4.5/10

Sanada and Tigre Uno defeated The BroMans. Excellent match that should have lasted longer. Uno and Sanada showcased their athleticism and unique offense throughout the match. A dive to the outside, a double dropkick from the top rope and a beautiful moonsault were the highlights in a match that introduced TNA fans to new characters that could have some success in the company. Fresh and new talent, who can actually work better than 80 percent of the roster, is always a good thing to see.

Score: 7/10


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