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Davey Richards: "We're Not on Good Terms" 

Davey RichardsFormer Ring of Honor World Champion Davey Richards is, apparently, not on good terms with the company he gave seven years of his life too. His words – not mine. According to the American Wolf, ROH is full of incompetent management, and many of the wrestlers are happy to "shut up and drink the Kool-aid." Needless to say, the two sides are at odds, but the out-spoken Davey is doing pretty well for himself, all things considered. 

He also mentioned that TNA was his ultimate goal. WWE gave him "the creeps", and according to a recent interview he did with Newsday, when he got an email stating that negotiations had fallen through, they had a deal with TNA signed in 20 minutes. 

I believe what Davey says about WWE. I remember a shoot interview with him and Kevin Steen where they laughed at the possibility of Richards joining WWE. Guys like CM Punk managed to fit in – sort of – but Triple H is also 100% justified in saying that they had enough "Daveys" and "Eddies". Personally I think they are both better off in TNA. 

As far as his comments about Ring of Honor management, you have to keep in mind that there's always two sides to any story. In any job there's always going to be people in power, people under that power, and personalities that clash with that structure. For better or worse, wrestling is a money-making business; unfortunately there are often not even businessmen that also fully understand the insane world of professional wrestling. That being said, I know a couple of guys and gals that are totally happen working with Ring of Honor. Whether or not they feel the same as Davey, and value their job security a bit more at this given point in their lives, remains to be seen. Never take anything in wrestling at face value. 

All of this aside, Ring of Honor lost a great duo of guys, WWE turned down a great opportunity, and TNA is better off for their acquisition. As a fan of all good wrestling, there's really no way I can lose. 


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