2014 WWE Royal Rumble PPV Reaction: WWE Created New Stars, While Killing Others

Bray Wyatt is Here

royal rumbleThe opening match of WWE Royal Rumble was absolutely fantastic. Bray Wyatt finally showcased all that he can do in the ring. He does not "look" the part of a WWE Superstar, but this gimmick is so believable. He puts every single emotion and facial expression into a simple punch. There is never a time where I think Husky Harris. He showed off his athleticism, his intensity and his overall appeal with the crowd. He had an incredible guy to work with, in Daniel Bryan. The crowd loved this match and could be one of the best matches of 2014. Daniel Bryan picked up the loss and Bray Wyatt would not be done for the night.

WWE created a new star in Bray Wyatt tonight. He arrived. After defeating Daniel Bryan, he distracted John Cena and Randy Orton retained his WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Much like I said on Chair Shot Reality, Randy Orton will NOT win clean. Heels NEVER need or should win clean.

As for the fans chanting during the match "We want Divas" or "This is boring," I disagreed. This was one of the better matches between John Cena and Randy Orton from a technical and logistical standpoint. It made sense how they booked it. They are writing off Orton vs. Cena for a while, so there had to be something to come between them. That man was Bray Wyatt. When the lights went out and his music hit, the crowd erupted. Why? Because the same old, same old between Cena and Orton was over. This was WWE opening a window for the future. They are letting some young guys take a chance and seemingly taking that chance at WrestleMania XXX.

I know why fans were chanting everything else in the match. They DO NOT CARE about John Cena vs. Randy Orton. The names are big and we are supposed to care, but the fans did not. Do not blame Orton and Cena. That is completely unfair. They have their position because of their hard work, dedication and star power. They SELL TICKETS. Royal Rumble is not about the WWE World Heavyweight Championship match. It is about the last match of the night.

Score: 7/10


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