Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction December 13th , 2013

The Undercard

WWE Smackdown Reaction The Real Americans defeated Cody Rhodes and Goldust. Once again, WWE delivers us a great tag team match on Smackdown. Goldust, usually the one that receives the hot tag, gets beaten down after he quickly hits a few clotheslines. He was the weak link and Swagger made sure he was as far away to Cody as possible. I love the abilities of both teams in the match that can easily build that big moment. The big moment was when Cody Rhodes came in and cleaned house. He hit an Alabama Slam, flew to the outside of the ring and was about to set up his finisher. Cesaro kicks out of a Disaster Kick and gets just enough distraction from Swagger to pick up the victory. WWE is doing such a stellar job at making the champions look good, but beatable. The division itself has taken a huge step up in the past three months. We have both of these teams to thank.

Grade: B+

Mark Henry defeated Damien Sandow via count out. This match never really got started. Sandow would take the ten count on the outside, but Big E Langston would throw him back into the ring. Henry would run over Sandow and try to feed him back to Langston. He got a cheap shot on the IC Champion and ran off. I want to invest my time and interest into these two guys on Sunday, but it is just a spot filler for a Pay-Per-View that is driven by their top three stars.

Grade: C

The Miz Attacks Kofi

Before Kingston was able to get his match started with Alberto Del Rio, The Miz came out and hit a Skull Crushing Finale on the outside. Miz then whispered "now we are even." Do we really want a heel turn like this? One that is going to be forgotten because he is basically feuding with a guy who won't reach the highest of heights? Maybe this is what WWE thinks and wants The Miz to be. He is a very good heel and will continue to get over in that aspect. I just want to see Miz in a higher profile feud. There are so many faces he could feud with.

Grade: C

AJ Lee and Tamina defeated The Bella Twins. I have a strange feeling that this might be the last time we see AJ Lee with the Divas Championship around her waist for a while. All signs are pointing to Natalya winning that title. They can use this crossover for the second season of Total Divas. This would be a great idea in that aspect, but I really wish I am wrong. There is nobody better in that division that showcases all of the tools to be successful. AJ Lee is more believable and more intense that all of the other Divas combined. She has "IT."

Grade: C+


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