Should Ryback End The Streak?

RybackSome chatter around about the lineup for WrestleMania 30 and the rumor of Ryback taking on the Undertaker.

That’s fine…

But should Ryback beat the Undertaker and end the streak?


Heresy, you say! How can Ryback of all people end the streak?

Because of the best performer in the WWE…

Paul Heyman.

Every time I see Heyman on TV, I am drawn in. There is nothing nice or likeable about him and putting Ryback alongside the repugnant Heyman makes Ryback perfectly qualified to end the streak. Now, because of Heyman, it also makes Ryback perfectly capable of losing as well because Heyman will make sure Ryback gets his heat back the following night on Raw.

But I think it’s time to turn the page on the Undertaker only because I see the WWE as needing someone, something to shake things up and carry forward into 2015. Cost-cutting is going on right now inside Titan Towers for a few reasons.

  1. House show business is down, down, down…
  2. PPV buyrates are down, down, down…
  3. The WWE Network has not and may never launch as planned.
  4. Even just a 4-6 month loss of John Cena has slowed merchandise sales and international tours were hit as well. 

WWE needs someone, something to shake things up. Let’s talk about these questions…

Do they dare risk the capital of ‘Taker’s streak to make an investment in someone else?

Do they trust Ryback to be the guy who ends the streak?

Do they trust Ryback to be the guy who leads the way forward after ending the streak?

Do they trust Paul Heyman to be the face and the mouthpiece for the guy who beats the Undertaker?

I’ll let you think about those questions but I will say this…

There is nothing else that Ryback can do to make him into a transformational star other than beating the Undertaker. Who else can he beat that makes him a bigger star than he is now? But, is he a big enough star to beat the Undertaker? That’s the multi-million dollar question.

That’s where Paul Heyman comes in. If there was one man who can give a match a big fight feel, it’s Paul Heyman. I can hear the promos… those of you who completely disagree with the idea of Ryback beating the Undertaker and think it won’t happen; Heyman will make you think it can happen. Then, after it happens, Heyman can make Ryback’s win the biggest victory in the history of the WWE.

And Heyman will continue to make what Ryback did to the Undertaker the biggest victory in the history of the WWE long after it happens, through matches with Cena, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan and beyond. Ryback will be forever known as the man who ended the Streak.

So, what are your thoughts on the idea of Ryback ending the Streak?

Let’s hear from you on Twitter @RealKevinKelly


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