Title That: WWE Raw Reaction August 19th, 2013

Cody RhodesCody Rhodes def. Damien Sandow with a quick sunset flip counter out of the corner. A short match to continue Cody's hot streak coming out of the Team Rhodes Scholars split and his big SummerSlam victory. Sandow has the Money in the Bank briefcase, which means he's probably never going to win another match for the rest of his life. Expect this one to continue though. With Cody claiming himself as "number one contender", don't be surprised if he gets a title match on Smackdown, and Sandow screws him over to build up a rematch at Night of Champions. 

Grade: B-

-Paul Heyman cuts an in-ring promo telling CM Punk that he "forgives him" and is ready to bury their family drama. He says he still loves him, and was a better father figure than the man that raised him. Heyman claims he is ready to guide CM Punk back to the WWE Championship, to the main event of WrestleMania, and to becoming the "best in the world" once again. A good segment from Paul-E that will no doubt set up more to come later tonight. 

Grade: C+

The Funkadactyls def. Layla & AJ Lee with a quick roll-up. After the match, Layla has a fit in the ring that is way too over-sold. You lost a match Layla; you didn't accidentally stab a box full of kittens. The match was only about three minutes long, and unless they plan on putting either Cameron or Naomi into the title picture, I'm not sure what the point of it was. They didn't actually pin the champion either, so that isn't likely. I guess there's nothing wrong with a Divas match for the sake of a Divas match; was hoping to see some actual furthering of either Total Divas or the title picture. Still potential for the later; we'll see. 

Grade: D