Top 10

Wrestlezone’s Top 10: Moments of 2013 So Far

Number 1: Cashing In

Dolph Ziggler

Dolph Ziggler held the Money in the Bank briefcase for nine months. The anticipation was killing all of the fans in the WWE Universe. Many of us wanted Ziggler to cash in at Wrestlemania 29, but we did not get that. It would be the next night that made history. Dolph Ziggler came out in front of an incredible crowd in Jersey. With the excitement from a night before, the fans erupted into a craze when Dolph Ziggler’s music hit. He would attack a weakened Alberto Del Rio and cash in successfully. It may have been the crowd that made this moment memorable, but I have to give credit to Ziggler for showing the raw emotion in his face. Ziggler came to the WWE as a cheerleader. It is amazing to see how far he has come. One of the best wrestlers in the ring is Dolph Ziggler, and his cash in the night after Wrestlemania was the best moment of the first half of 2013.

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