1. Ryback vs. John Cena
If booked properly, and that is a big IF, John Cena and Ryback could be an incredible feud for a guy who desperately needs all that he can get to stay in the main event level. After losing to Mark Henry at Wrestlemania 29, Ryback seemed to be squashed in many of our eyes. The next night changed his character greatly. He showed some balls by flipping off Cena, even if it was not an actual heel turn. Many people need to realize that heels and faces are created by the fans. There is no such thing as a clear cut heel and face these days. Fans are going to cheer and jeer for whomever they want. Ryback needs the exposure of the WWE Championship to keep him relevant. Esepcailly with his stacking of losses, I really expect Ryback to continue that trend, but in another form. He will not be WWE Champion anytime soon, but his aggression and attitude needs to be one of not caring about the title. He needs to go on a rampage against top stars, making no friends. Ryback has the look and the attitude to be all by himself and looking for revenge. Let Ryback loose, let Cena teach him how to stay at the top, and give the right amount of exposure. Ryback could be the next “IT” guy if they give him time and a personality against John Cena.
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