Alberto Del Rio defeated Jack Swagger to retain the World Heavyweight Championship
This was a solid bout between two ring vets. Del Rio was out to exact revenge from weeks of torment from the "Real Americans." Yes, the match was slower and less of a big spot match, but that is what it needed to be. Del Rio and Swagger spent the match in an old school fashion, working on the limbs of their opponents to set up their submission holds. Both men are athletic enough and should have added a little more aggression to make it feel more personal. Del Rio would make Swagger tap out, retaining his championship. I will stand by my words and say Ziggler should have cashed in. At this point, there was no big moment to remember. Ziggler cashing in gives over 80,000 fans a memory that will last a lifetime, and it would not be overshadowed by other matches. People in that arena wanted it, and WWE should have known they should have pulled the trigger on it.
Grade: B-