Title This: WWE Wrestlemania 29 Reaction

Team Hell No defeated Dolph Ziggler and Big E Langston

Dolph Ziggler


This was a pretty solid match that was very well planned out. Dolph and Bryan started off the pacing of the match, but my focus was on Big E and how he would fare in his first match against some extremely popular veterans. I really wanted to see him break out, but that didn't happen. Nonetheless, that was my biggest issue. I really wanted to see a title change here. The tag titles need a little freshening up, and Bryan should separate himself from Kane soon. They have somewhat re-invented their popularity so now would be prime time to give them pushes in a single's direction. Overall, this was a logical and thought out match with no big moment or memory of it.

Grade: C+

Fandango defeated Chris Jericho



One of the most intriguing matches that I wanted to see featured Jericho and Fandango. There was NO way that Fandango would lose this match. With all of the pomp and circumstance with his entrance and the past few weeks, Fandango had a chance to put on a great match. Although the match was sloppy and somewhat predictable, I am glad with the outcome. Jericho continues to put young guys over, which is something no other part time guy does. Fandango hit a few nice moves to mix his chemistry in with Jericho. The ending really hurt the overall conclusion of this match. Jericho went for a Lionsault and landed on his feet. As he was trying to get Fandango into the Walls, he reversed it into a sloppy small package for the win. The verdict is still not out for Fandango, but everyone wanted to see the rookie prove himself. He will have more times, but this was the IDEAL spot for him to do it.

Grade: C-