2.Shawn Michaels vs. Bret The Hitman Hart: Wrestlemania 12
The boyhood dream came true on this night. Bret Hart was the face of the WWE, one who was a work horse and continued to put on excellent matches. After his entire career being a heel, Michaels turned into a crowd favorite. At Wrestlemania 12, Vince and Co. gave their two top stars over an hour to work magic. Magic it was, with Shawn and Bret having a classic match that never bored. I am not sure if we will ever see an Ironman Match at Wrestlemania again. There was something about this match that was so perfect in every way. Michaels connected with Sweet Chin Music a few times, while Bret had locked Michaels in the Sharpshooter as time expired. As the clock ran out, the match went into overtime. Two, count them, two Sweet Chin Music’s later and Shawn Michaels was the champion. He became Mr. Wrestlemania after this night. It was a perfect mix of tecnicality, chemistry, and a little bit of magic.