The Wrestlemania Prediction Machine Part 2: WZ Staff Predicts the Main Event Winners

CM Punk vs. The Undertaker


Mike Killam:

Is there anybody who doesn’t have this listed at the top of their most anticipated matches for this year’s WrestleMania? Funny what can happen when WWE actually builds a match for more than two weeks, and has controversial, compelling stories. Once again, CM Punk to the rescue… Rock will probably get credit for the buys, no matter what goes down on Sunday. The Streak isn’t ending, unlike my interest in this year’s WrestleMania, but Punk should get credit for selling me on the PPV, and the last two years of WWE programming.

Nick Paglino:

The timing of Paul Bearer’s death has added an interesting, personal touch to CM Punk vs The Undertaker this year, but I can’t help but feel like the late dawning of this feud has left it a bit underwhelming. Does anybody expect The Undertaker to lose? No. Does he need to lose to CM Punk? No. Will he lose to CM Punk? No. But none of that really matters when it comes to The Undertaker wrestling at WrestleMania, it’s all about convincing the audience that The Undertaker could lose, and so far WWE hasn’t achieved that with this program. Couple that with the fact that Punk is expected to take time off after WrestleMania and I predict 21-0 for The Dead Man.

Josh Isenberg:

I agree so much with what Nick Paglino said. Nobody expects The Undertaker to lose and nor should he. CM Punk has done something just as impressive as 21-0. He brought interesting and cutting edge television back to the WWE. He resurrected a WWE Championship title that was playing second fiddle to John Laurinaitis. CM Punk is the biggest reason why the night will be interesting. I feel like it is how he will lose, not if. This is going to be booked similar to Orton and Taker 8 years ago. It will be more technical, with a few finishers, but Taker dominating the very end of the match to pick up the win. I will be interested to see if Punk can actually get Taker up into the GTS and connect with it smoothly.

Brian Gulish:

20-1 just doesn’t sound right and, doesn’t make sense.  For as great a champ as CM Punk has been and a leader of the WWE, the Undertaker has defeated HHH in back-to-back Wrestlemania’s (three overall), and HHH even had help from Shawn Michaels.  I don’t see Undertaker putting over Punk and not HHH, not even once.  21-0 it shall be, with a retribution tombstone to honor the legend of Paul Bearer.

Bill Pritchard:

As if I wasn’t looking forward to this match, Monday’s segment really sold this one to me. I have gone back and forth about who should win; I said the streak is sacred, but Punk winning on Taker’s way out could cement him in history. After Monday, Punk and Heyman got me to 100% think Taker should get revenge, and Punk deserves everything that’s coming. I’m a Punk fan, but seeing him get his ass kicked for what he’s done will be justice for Taker, so kudos to Punk for getting pro-Punk people to hate him, even if it’s for this month. As for who actually wins, I predict Taker to keep the streak one more year, but either way it will be a good match.