Top 10

Wrestlezone’s Top 10: Undertaker Matches At Wrestlemania

Number 9: The Undertaker vs. Ric Flair: Wrestlemania X-8

Ric Flair

The feud started over The Undertaker’s ambush on The Rock during the build up to No Way Out, with Undertaker giving The Rock a Tombstone onto a car. Shortly afterwards, Ric Flair openly detested The Undertaker’s actions. At the No Way Out event, Flair interfered with Undertaker’s match against The Rock, finally hitting Undertaker with a lead pipe to aid The Rock in victory. After this, Undertaker basically begged for a match against Ric Flair, even though he was just a co-owner of the WWE. The Undertaker then targeting members of Flair’s family and finally got him to crack. It was a great build and an old school fight. It was not pretty. It was bloody and felt extremely personal. This was the last time that The Undertaker was really a full-fledged heel.