Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction 1-31-13

Bully RayThe Stories

– Hulk Hogan had a decision to make in front of the crowd. Bully Ray tried to get reinstated before, but he finally got Sting to back him up and gain his trust even more. Hogan comes out and reinstates Bully Ray, much to the delight of Brooke and everyone in the arena. There really is not much else that happened, besides Hulk giving Bully and Sting a Tables Match next week against Aces and Eights.

-I still wonder what the payoff is? What next for Hulk, Brooke, Bully, Sting, and the entire storyline? There really is not much else to do besides getting revenge on the men who broke up their wedding. I can see another wedding trying to happen, maybe at a PPV. At this point, It would be smart to give Bully Ray the full heel turn and never look back. Maybe Brooke joins him, but maybe he breaks her heart and moves on. There is still a lot of time left to figure it out.

What do you, the readers, want to happen with Bully Ray? Comment below with your responses.